Hace un año y medio mi amiga despistada escribió esta nota o pequeño texto. Creo que cumplía un año de auto exilio y se recuperaba del shock que fue su viaje de tres semanas por la India. En el momento me parecieron patrañas e incluso absurdo, ahora me parece entenderlo mejor.(abajo mi traducción)
And when we wake up from the dream in which we have never been, we realize that we live predestined to an immutable reality, impenetrable and untouchable for us, passengers of a dream that has been assigned to us without choice. However, we are free!
In our passing live, chosen and mutable to our eyes, we can't see far beyond of what keeps us and entertain us free in our prison which is our own destiny. If we do some of the mundane chores as part of our social role, we realize that we want more and if we have been one of the privileged, we can't see beyond. A routine, a world created by our past without being able to see more worlds, more people, more ways of living, loving and defining what life is.
Like pre programmed robots, casts, social classes, worlds... The educated don't have other option but to be educated, why? … They can't be slaves, servants, refugees, casts... And if I could dream, what would I dream about? and if I could choose, what would I choose? We ask ourselves and the answer becomes simple, we would be the same we are now, because those who have more don't have all in the same way of those who don't have anything.
We would choose to be the same, because we can't see far beyond, and whether we like it or not we will always be slaves of our predestined social role in this immutable reality.
Mi traducción